Students are not cash cows

RALLY IN SOLIDARITY! On April 14th at 12:30pm we will gather at Metrotown Skytrain Station and march to the office of the Minister of Education, Anne Kang, for a rally to demand tuition be frozen for all students in BC. For folks at UBC, we will all meet up at 11:00am at the 99 bus stop to take transit to the rally together.

For more updates and details on the rally, join our Whatsapp group (link). Joining this group is the best way to get involved, in whatever capacity you can, and to learn more about what we’re doing.

Tuition Freeze Now is a coalition of of students, workers, organizers, and groups from across BC who are opposed to ongoing tuition hikes that make our public Universities a place for the rich, not the working class. Students are not cash cows and universally accessible public education is the foundation of a just society. Please sign our petition (link) and express your support of our collective cause!

We have outlined our collective demands.

Current organizations supporting this effort include:

Are you a student, worker, union, or just interested and want to get involved? Email to find out more, or come to one of our upcoming events.